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To recap:

Since Trump was sworn in, we've had a Muslim ban that caused trauma to thousands of people and the legality of which was questionable at best as it is now tied up in the courts and extremely unlikely to reappear as law.

Three high-ranking Trump supporters have had to step down or recuse themselves of their duties due specifically to ties to Russia and the Russian intelligence service. This was brought about by the public marching in the streets and calling their congressmen, proving protesting the status quo has an effect.

An MI-5 agent has a dossier suggesting Trump has been compromised by the Russians. There are allegations that Trump gained the presidency due to Russian cyber activity. This is not confined to the USA, other countries have claimed Russian hacks including, Germany, France, Georgia, Estonia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Norway and the Netherlands. Certainly, this should deserve a high level investigation if only to prove it false!

Mexico is not paying for the wall. It looks like the US taxpayers are going to foot the bill. That's right, we, mainly the middle class of America and NOT the Mexicans, will be paying the now estimated 35 BILLION dollars to build an unnecessary wall!

Financial protections and regulations have been stripped away by the reneging of the Dodds-Franks act and the refusal to reinstate the Glass-Stegal act, setting us up for further economic disaster. You know, like the one in 2008 that took President Obama such a long time to fix and brought about a world wide financial crisis that still has consequences worldwide.

Environmental regulations have been peeled back allowing, for instance, the dumping of coal ash into streams, how that is ever a good idea escapes anyone with a shred of intellect and foresight! The opening of the pipelines risks real damage and does nothing to add jobs, it is detrimental to the efforts to wean us from fossil fuels and achieve the full potential of freedom from environmental suicide. The future is clearly in renewable energy and the lack of US leadership will forever relegate us to the rear of the international class.

A spike in hate crimes is reported by the SPLC since the Trump campaign began and the violence continues despite a very tepid mention by Trump at the address to congress. Not all conservatives or for that matter Trump supporters are racists or misogynists, but all racists or misogynists are in fact Trump supporters or at the very least they did not see these issues as deal breakers and shame, shame on them for so doing!

The repeal of the Affordable Care Act has been meet with opposition mainly because, although the ACA is built upon a Republican idea implemented byMitt Romney as governor of Massachusetts, there has been no viable, transparent, new Republican plan that would replace it, not even after seven years of railing against the ACA. Folks, it seems, like some of the aspects of the ACA. That is not to say it doesn't require improvement, but such improvement would not have been necessary had the Republican ideology on healthcare not been so against the working class and had endorsed as the rest of the industrial world, universal healthcare. Why must we suffer?

Trump appears to be suggesting that  American institutions, education, the EPA, Housing and Urban Development to name a few, need to be deconstructed. This is the ideology and vision of Stephen Bannon and the so-called Alt Right. This is what is behind appointing people who were sworn to and actively participating in the destruction of the agencies that under Trump they have been appointed to run. It dovetails nicely with statements from Bannon during the CPAC convention when he talks about "deconstruction.”

In my humble, working-class, opinion, the arrogance of the Clinton machine, the absolute ignorance of the Bernie or Bust sect, and all those who actually thought a reality television star that was so uncouth, so blatantly misogynistic, who had court rulings indicating he was racist, but would nevertheless make a good president, are responsible for the debacle that we are seeing perpetuated on environmental, immigration, economic, military, education, housing, and social institutions.

The perfect storm of the Russian hacking, Julian Assange and Wikileaks, the deliberate shenanigans of the FBI director Comey, and the great “white-lash" of quasi-racists combined with the Christian right, not the least of which was the endorsement of the Liberty so-called university leader Jerry Falwell Jr and others of his ilk who wish to turn America, nay, the world, into a Christian based theocracy that would be no different but by degrees than what Daesh or Al-Qaeda wish, also worked for a Trump presidency.

I lay the blame at your feet, those of you who thought this was the lesser of two evils, those of you who believed false stories about “pizzagate” and body counts, and the idea of socialism for whom that word is a pejorative while ignoring the socialism that is already a major part of the economic landscape, in fact there are no purely capitalist states in existence, they are all a hybrid to one degree or another and so, you could not be more wrong in your choice.

The election of Trump, despite the 3 million more in popular votes, despite the 7 millions who voted for third party candidates, making 10 millions of voters who exceeded his tally, giving Trump the least amount of votes for presidency in history, could have been prevented.

The environment, the economy, as it pertains to the middle and lower classes, could have been protected if not directly by HRC, then by the influence of Bernie Sanders, which was abundantly evident during the campaign, and I will blame this abject failure on you, those of you who directly supported Trump and those of you who despite warnings from many intellectuals and from Sanders himself. You are to blame. It remains to be seen what you will do to fix the problems you created that otherwise would not have been issues as they are now.
2018 is looming, choose wisely!


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