“Sensei” is a Japanese word we in the West, interpret as, “teacher.” We usually think of it in terms of martial arts training but in fact, it is applied to many other things such as flower arrangement or learning the board game Goh. The more accurate definition of “sensei” is: “the one who came before.” As a martial arts instructor, I always liked the more accurate definition; it indicated I had personally experienced the trials and tribulations of my own hard won journey to get to the level where I could share with students, that which was taught to me. I think this is the sentiment, the essence of the word’s meaning. Take away any martial arts connotations, use the Japanese terminology of sensei, the one who came before, and apply it to those from whom we seek advice. Once you do that, you will have a different point of view of those who freely provide insight into how you should live your life or how you should react to situations. Now, I am in no way suggesting that...