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Showing posts from May, 2017


The pampered middle class suburbanite that I am, complaining of back pain as those of us who are of a certain age often do I dragged myself to work. I work the afternoon shift. I managed to stop at a convenience store to pick up a sandwich and coffee. I bought a lottery ticket. My wife and I are not poor we are middle class, barely. But with two years, four months until I retire at sixty-five, a lottery win would erase all anxiety about our retirement years. Are we not driven to wish a better life for our loved ones? Our spouses, our children, grandchildren, our parents, if they are still alive, these are the people we would first like to help with a windfall. That was my altruistic view when I paid for my food, drink and chance at being a hero. Laden down with my wares and my car keys, I exited the store. A dishevelled man of indeterminate age, dirty looking, with bad teeth, uncombed hair and beard asked me for change. Honestly, I had no change. I paid for my stuff with a c...


I love movies. I always have, so naturally, I took a course in film arts and though I’ve forgotten the intricacies, (the year was 1973); I still appreciate the art form. For instance, the mood or tone of a movie begins with the opening music and credits. That whole thing has been crafted to set what the director thinks the tone of the movie should convey. The goal of a film is to convince you, as the viewer, to willingly suspend your disbelief. The colour, texture, the music, camera angles and even the pace of the edit and scene changes, all conspire with the actors, the dialogue and the costumes, to make you lose your ascetic distance and become part of the experience. You, as the viewer, are persuaded to be part of the film and not apart from it. Movie viewing is intended as an inclusive experience. The part of the bargain, the quid pro quo , when you pay for a ticket or a rental fee, is that you will put aside your cynicism and critique and allow the film the opportunity to c...


The room is packed with people sitting in cheap white plastic chairs. The walls are painted an off white, a non-color, bland to the point of non-existence, and there’s an irritating yet unrecognizable music playing at low volume. The general murmur of other people is not as loud as it should be given the number of bodies present. They sit in the chairs mainly staring straight ahead, some wring their hands, and I can almost taste the adrenalin as their fear courses through their bodies. There are four desks partitioned one from the other off to the side and occasionally names are called and people walk up to these desks, sit, and answer questions. I cannot hear what the questions are. But it strikes me that while I have been here for more than forty-five minutes, and have seen a dozen or so people walk up to the desks, I haven’t seen anyone leave the room. When they are finished with the questioning, the people stand and are escorted further back behind the desks by white clad ass...


Of all the ridiculous accusations coming from this administration and conservatives in general is the idea that religion is under attack. No reasonably intelligent person can come to such a conclusion unless of course by attack they mean a mounted defense against the systemic discrimination of all who do not fit religion’s narrow definition of who should be included in this society. In fact, the very definition and composition of society may be what theists are trying to change with this absurd executive order being issued by Trump at the behest of his uber-religious vice-president, Pence. No one is suggesting that religious people cannot practice their religion, observe their holy days, or pray in public. What is being contested and protested is the discrimination of the LGBTQ community, atheists, agnostics, and any who do not subscribe to the faith of those theists who contemptuously and arrogantly want all people to subscribe to their religious tenets. With that said it is my ...