To recap: Since Trump was sworn in, we've had a Muslim ban that caused trauma to thousands of people and the legality of which was questionable at best as it is now tied up in the courts and extremely unlikely to reappear as law. Three high-ranking Trump supporters have had to step down or recuse themselves of their duties due specifically to ties to Russia and the Russian intelligence service. This was brought about by the public marching in the streets and calling their congressmen, proving protesting the status quo has an effect. An MI-5 agent has a dossier suggesting Trump has been compromised by the Russians. There are allegations that Trump gained the presidency due to Russian cyber activity. This is not confined to the USA, other countries have claimed Russian hacks including, Germany, France, Georgia, Estonia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Norway and the Netherlands. Certainly, this should deserve a high level investigation if only to prove it false! Mexico is not...