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“Sensei” is a Japanese word we in the West, interpret as, “teacher.” We usually think of it in terms of martial arts training but in fact, it is applied to many other things such as flower arrangement or learning the board game Goh. The more accurate definition of “sensei” is: “the one who came before.” As a martial arts instructor, I always liked the more accurate definition; it indicated I had personally experienced the trials and tribulations of my own hard won journey to get to the level where I could share with students, that which was taught to me. I think this is the sentiment, the essence of the word’s meaning. Take away any martial arts connotations, use the Japanese terminology of sensei, the one who came before, and apply it to those from whom we seek advice. Once you do that, you will have a different point of view of those who freely provide insight into how you should live your life or how you should react to situations. Now, I am in no way suggesting that...
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2019! Already? Yes, the New Year is now two days old as I am writing.  This is the year I turn sixty-five. I will retire in August and the plan is to sell the house and move to Florida. So, facing lots of major life changes.  The fact is I am moving even further away from my kids, my family, and friends in Canada. This saddens me a great deal. ( Of course, since our destination is to be Florida, they have all assured me they will be visiting us. I hope so. ) There is now more sand in the bottom of the hour glass than at the top and reflecting on my life causes me some consternation.  It is so because I am coming face to face with my own mediocrity.  I had hoped my passions of music, martial arts and writing would have brought more acclaim, more financial reward despite the fact I engaged in them from love and without the thought of financial recompense. My life’s mistakes haunt me, as do the consequences born from poor decisions.  Oh, I know,...


I love films. I have always loved films. In high school during the very early seventies, I was able to take a film arts course along with English courses, media and communications. I loved it. Film is art. The famous MGM logo with the lion’s roar that prefaces so many famous movies incorporates the Latin, “ARS GRATIA ARTIS” which means “art for art’s sake,” and was designed in 1916 by Howard Dietz. The saying is credited to the 19th century French philosopher, Victor Cousin and was written as “l’art pour l’art.” One of the basic lessons I learned in film arts was the concept of aesthetic distance.  This concept originally applied to literature refers to the gap between the readers, or as in the case of film, the viewer’s conscious reality and the fictional reality constructed by an author of a book or the director of the film.  Of course, in film there are so many more variables to be considered, actor’s craft, lighting, cinematography, music et ce...


It has been a long time since I last wrote in this blog. I have been busy with music projects and writing novels. In fact, I am writing my ninth novel right now and am just taking a break. I wanted to get back into keeping up with my blog but didn't want  it to become a format for political rants. Let's be frank, the political landscape is abysmal and folks have never been so divided and so entrenched in their views. I am no exception! Rather than regurgitate the dogma and doctrine of one party over the other, I am guided by the tenets I have long adhered to: democracy, equality under the law, opportunity, justice and a strong social safety net. I welcome diversity in all forms. I believe we should all be accountable and responsible for our actions. Worker's rights, women's rights, these are important to me as basic human rights. Income inequality is a huge issue. Of course, captains of industry deserve the right to have the largest piece of the pie. T...


This brings us to the end of the ten week series of articles attempting to apply martial art principles and mental attitudes to non-martial situations in everyday life. And it's appropriate that the series ends with the beginner's mind set. Soshin , refers to what is called, “the beginner’s mind”. This is the act of maintaining an open, inquisitive and eager mind when learning martial arts even at an advanced level. The concept is to approach each subject as a beginner with no pre-conceptions.  Personally, I have found this to be the hardest task to attempt. Ego always gets in the way. In training in three different disciplines, Shotokan karatedo, the hard techniques of Soke Morris’s JJI syllabus, and the efficient techniques of Hakkoryu, which shares the same root art, Daito-ryu, with Aikido and Hapkido, I had some difficulties emptying my mind.  I would want to throw uke in karate class, kick uke in aikijujutsu class and finesse uke in JJI class; I was very mixed u...


Zanshin, is considered to be the stillness after the technique has been executed.  It is in martial arts circles, considered as controlling the attacker after the attack. A cinematic example and favourite of mine is a sequence in the movie; The Last Samurai.  Tom Cruise has sided with a samurai clan and a political battle ensues eventually resulting in the hiring of assassins by the Meiji inspired politician. Their target is Cruise who leaves his hotel room and walks into the night unarmed. He is immediately surrounded by katana wielding attackers. A fight sequence (one of the better scenes I have yet seen filmed in which traditional martial arts are used) ensues ending with Cruise the lone survivor and in the state of Zanshin.  The scene continues and you watch as the fight is replayed in slow motion and black and white. Suddenly a “dead” guy moves and Cruise finishes him because he was able to react due to the state of stillness and mental clarity he mainta...


Mushin , for the martial artist, refers to the reaction time or process used to react to any situation. The word is translated as “ no-mindedness ." The instantaneous reaction to a deadly situation by a professional soldier would qualify as mushin .  This is the result of cultivating a mental preparedness by “ triggering ” the so-called “ reptilian brain ”. Considered the most primordial region of the brain, the reptilian brain or R-Complex is part of the triune model of the brain as proposed by Paul D. MacLean.  The other two parts that make up the triune model of the brain are the Limbic System that controls emotions including remorse, compassion and empathy along with fear, love, hate and aggression.  The Limbic System developed around the existing R-Complex. The Neo-cortex developed around the Limbic System and is responsible for what we call the higher brain functions including the ability for future context and planning.  The R- Complex cont...