Seishin , the second mental attitude refers to transferring energy or our focus into the technique to make it more effective. The word Seishin , I am told, can have several meanings. It can mean “ honesty ” as in giving a task an honest effort, the proverbial “ old college try .” Another interpretation of the word can mean “ heart ” and/or “ mind ” referring to applying oneself to a task with passion, putting your “ all ” into it. Non-martial artists can think of Seishin as directing their mental focus. For example, you have a huge presentation to prepare and present to important clients. You need to focus and calm your mind in order to prepare for the work that lies ahead. Seishin would be the marshalling of that focus and bringing it to bear on a specific item in your presentation. It is the directing of the intense focus you have already invoked. This is Seishin as applied to a non-martial situation, the essence of directing your concentrat...