Martially speaking, kuzushi , the stealing of your opponent’s balance, is a very good strategy. It also serves to illustrate how important our own balance is in terms of our martial efficacy whether throwing a punch or kick or taking the opponent to the ground and neutralizing the threat. Life sometimes unbalances us. We juggle many issues that can at any time threaten our serenity. This causes stress and undue stress can steal our balance. Certainly there is nothing I know of in life, assuming one is participating fully, authentically and with volitional consciousness, which is absolutely stress free. Some stress is good; it can push us to greater heights and it can help us overcome hardships. That being said, too much stress whether in intensity or duration can cause health problems. Stress can be linked to back pain, intestinal problems, headaches and insomnia all of which can adversely affect your immune system and make you susceptible to illness....